Below, you will find our archive of past Nassau Zone-hosted conferences.


On Friday March 22, 2024, the Nassau Zone of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NYS AHPERD) will be hosting our annual mini-conference, geared towards practicing and aspiring health physical education, dance, and recreation educators and administrators in the tri-state area.


Thanks to all who joined us on Friday 3/24 for our annual mini-conference at Adelphi University! 

Credit: Lindsay Guaman & Ryan Fisk

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2021 CONFERENCE - Virtual (via Zoom)

Thank you for joining us for this year's Nassau Zone Mini Conference, "We Can Make Anything Happen: Adaptability, Dedication & Passion." We look forward to having you again next year!  

2020 CONFERENCE - Molloy College

In regard to recent public health concerns relating to COVID-19, and in coordination with Molloy College, the Nassau Zone has cancelled our mini-conference on Friday March 20.

This decision was made out of concern for the overall well being of our attendees, presenters and presiders, as well as the communities of everyone involved in the conference.  Our number one priority is everyone’s safety, so we are doing our part to try and limit the spread of a virus that could become a serious health risk, especially for specific groups of people.

2019 CONFERENCE - 4/12/19 - Adelphi University

Our Nassau Zone 2019 mini-conference was held on Friday April 12, 2019 at Adelphi University.  Thank you to all who attended!

2018 CONFERENCE - 4/13/18 - Adelphi University

Thanks to all presenters, vendors, and attendees who joined us on Friday 4/13 for our annual conference!  Click the links below to review photos from the day.  Photos taken by Peter Cody, Tara Nelsen, and Ryan Fisk.

2017 CONFERENCE - 3/31/17 - Adelphi University

Thanks to all presenters, vendors, and attendees who joined us on Friday 3/31 for our annual conference!  Click the links below to review photos from the day, or to skim through our conference program.  Photos taken by Peter Cody.

- 2017 Conference Photos

- 2017 Conference Program

2016 CONFERENCE - 3/18/16 - Adelphi University

The 2016 Nassau Zone Conference was held on Friday March 18th at Adelphi University - thank you to all our attendees, presenters, and vendors!  Click here to view photos in a new browser window.  Photos taken by Peter Cody

2015 CONFERENCE - 2/17/15

Thank you to all Nassau Zone Conference presenters, exhibitors, and attendees!  Click here to view photos from the conference, and scroll down for handouts and additional resources!

2014 CONFERENCE - 3/7/14

Thanks to all for another amazing Nassau Zone Conference!

The Nassau Zone had over 260 Student and Professional attendees at its annual Conference held on March 7, 2014 at LIU Post Campus.  Led by Physical Education Teachers' of the Year, J.D. Hughes, Susan Toth and Dr. Linda Hilgenbrinck, there were over 25 amazing presentations and a wonderful group of a Vendors for everybody to learn some new and exciting things to take back with them.

Miss a workshop?  Handouts from many of the day's presentations are available below.


Handouts are arranged alphabetically by presenters' last names.  Click the workshop title, then in the next window, select FILE > DOWNLOAD to save a copy to your computer.  More conference handouts will be posted here as they are made available.  Check back soon!

- How to Create and Organize a Wellness Day/Health Fair (5 Handouts);  Cary Epstein

- Enhancing Health & P.E. Instruction:  There are Plenty of Apps for That;  Ryan Fisk

- Google For Health & Physical Educators:  Way More Than Just a Search Engine!;  Ryan Fisk

- Movement:  Physical Education for Lifelong Physical Activity (Prezi Presentation);  Harold Gibbons

- Multidisciplinary Teaching Techniques Taught Through Map Adventures / Orienteering (7 Handouts);  Ed Hicks, et. al.

- A Few Of My Favorite Things (3 Handouts);  Linda Hilgenbrinck

- Sign Language In The Gym: Relax, You Can Do It!;  Linda Hilgenbrinck

- No Standing Around in My Gym;  J.D. Hughes

- PE2theMax;  J.D. Hughes

- PE2: Double the Physical + Double the Education = Double the Fun;  J.D. Hughes

- Developing An Age-Appropriate 21st Century Technology PE Curriculum;  Chris Mekelburg

- Learn To Teach Circus Skills Right Away!;  Greg Milstein, National Circus Project

- Grab Your SQAIR And Go!;  Jade Ng

- Mental Health 101 - Handouts;  Paula Prentis

- Mental Health 101 - Managing Disruptive Behavior;  Paula Prentis

- A Healthier Tomorrow;  Andrew Richter

- Health Skills for Daily Living;  Michelle Sicurella

- Nutrition Game Plan for Student Athletes - Easy Training;  Karen Sossin

- Nutrition Game Plan for Student Athletes - Moderate Training;  Karen Sossin

- Nutrition Game Plan for Student Athletes - Hard Training;  Karen Sossin

- Dance Ingredients - Improvisational Sports Dance;  Susan Toth 

- Dance Ingredients - Samoan Sasa;  Susan Toth

- Sports Fitness;  Susan Toth

- Creative Interdisciplinary Assessment Activities in Elementary Physical Education;  Vera Trenchfield, Kimberly Goodwin

- Educational Frameworks for Athletics;  Nina Van Erk

- Gymstick;  Gail Weintraub, Cary Epstein, John Brush

- Gymstick - Exercises;  Gail Weintraub, Cary Epstein, John Brush